Three Years Later

A few days ago was the three-year anniversary of my release from the IDF. While my army service lasted only 3 years, in many ways it felt like I lived the better part of a lifetime within them. As I think back on my service now, it’s hard to believe that the time I spent […]
The End of an Era

Today Israel mourns the loss of Shimon Peres, and with him the Israel of old. Shimon Peres was the last of the generation of leaders that helped to transform Israel from a dream into a thriving homeland for the Jewish people. Over the course of 50 years, Shimon Peres held nearly every major position in […]
The Problem With Scaling

Most companies start out with good intentions. They seek to solve a problem; to address a need in the marketplace. And when it works, they begin to scale. The problem is that as they scale, the tendency is to forget why it is that “it” worked in the first place. Because what is “it?” Most […]
Everything Burns…and that’s OK. Life Lessons from Burning Man

6 Minute Read There are a lot of misconceptions about Burning Man. But here are a few things that are not misconceptions: There is almost no cell phone service, and regardless of whether you stay in a tent or an RV, it is a certainty that you will begin and end each day completely covered […]
15 years later we still have much to learn

Among the many lessons of 9/11 is that we shouldn’t wait for a meeting with death to remind us how we should live. In the selflessness of the first responders of 9/11, there are lessons for all of us in how we should treat one another. Firemen ran up the stairs of Word Trade Center […]
The Last Three Reps

Anyone who has worked out knows the dilemma of the last few reps. On a set of 25 push-ups it’s those last three that you just don’t want to do. Maybe it’s the last 2 reps on your final set of bench press for the day. Perhaps it’s the last 400 feet at track and […]
Broken windows

As human beings we are inherently flawed and broken. We judge ourselves by our intentions and others by their actions. We pray time and again for forgiveness for our sins, only to continually commit the same ones. We see the world reflected back at us through a distortion mirror, as the image is marred by […]
Treat Others As They Would Like To Be Treated

One of the first things we are taught as children is to, “treat others as you would like to be treated,” and to “do to others as you would have done to you.” That is good advice for children, because it is the easiest way for them to understand how to act before they can […]
Finally…normal people

In the midst of the sand storm, I struggled to adjust my facemask and goggles in a futile effort to keep out the dust. The scene was Black Rock City, a temporary dwelling in the heart of the Black Rock Desert that’s completely uninhabited 98% of the year. During the last week in August, sixty […]
Count to Three and Jump!

As you approach the ledge, your heart quickens it’s beat, threatening to jump out of your chest at any moment. Your vision, hearing, and perception all sharpen simultaneously, and suddenly, it’s as if the world has switched from standard definition to HD. As you step closer, ultimately approaching the ledge, you look down into the […]